Is your bus late? You don't know whether to wait or maybe organize something else? Would you like to know when the bus will actually come?
Kiedy Pojade let you know about the exact time of departure of a bus or tram. The data comes from the Inteligent Transport System mounted on board vehicles or at stops and are updated on a current basis taking into account the current traffic situation.
The application is a response to the lack of a mobile version of the PEKA system's virtual monitor page. The Virtual Monitor is available on the PEKA project site of the Poznań ZTM.
Main functions:
* Search for stops by their names and from the map
* Saving stops to favorites speeds access to departures.
* Filtering departures by line allows you to hide some of the courses.
* Information about whether the data is updated live or from regular timetables.
The application works thanks to integration with the API and data from the website of ZTM Poznań.